Our Story

Sexual/HIV Health Electronic Empowerment Resource (Savvy HER). Savvy HER is a mobile application (app) developed for Black women by Black women which addresses HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health among Black women living in the South. To reduce the risk of adverse sexual and reproductive health outcomes among Black women, our researchers created an effective, sustainable, and culturally relevant health app for Black women that provides education on HIV prevention and relevant sexual and reproductive health topics. In addition, Savvy HER also provides other capabilities related to linkage to community resources and health care providers along with home-STI testing.

Research Grant # 1R34MH128048-01



In developing Savvy HER, we aim to specifically address four inequities

  • Lack of access to culturally targeted and gender-considerate health care

  • Gender-based power differentials in couple relationships that limit women’s ability to negotiate HIV-protective actions with their male sex partners (e.g., condom use)

  • Unreliable HIV prevention education and limited access to HIV prevention resources

  • Susceptibility to other sexually transmitted infections (STI) and chronic illnesses.

Savvy HER Mobile App Development:

Our research uses a human –centered design approach to facilitate innovation. We are ensuring the development of our prototype is based on the needs and preferences of Black women. Like many other health interventions, mobile health apps face challenges of uptake, engagement, efficiency, and confidentiality. Through using human-centered design we are mitigating these challenges by ensuring that the intervention content is developmentally appropriate, comprehensible, and comfortable to use.


Community Advisory Board:

Our Savvy HER study includes a Community Advisory Board that includes Black women of diverse background including researchers, clinicians, educators, and community advocates to help guide the development of the app and ensure the content is relevant towards Black women’s needs.

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